1. Benzylpiperazine (A.K.A. Bunk rolls, Meth bombs)
Pipes are "ecstasy" tablets which contain no MDMA in them. Instead, the pill makers will put BZP, an ungodly research chemical, in them. BZP has many negative side effects including but not limited to...
- Urinary incontenance (You can piss your pants involuntarily)
- Indigestion
- Fluctuating Body Temperature
- Nausea
- Paranoia
The worst thing about BZP is that it is sold as MDMA, AND PEOPLE BUY IT!! Though bunk rolls are incredibly uncomfortable, and extremely easy to spot, High schoolers and other degenerates eat them up. If you are offered a cutout pill from some sketchy goon, I would suggest passing it up. Don't listen to "triple stack" bullshit either. There isn't any more MDMA in a triple stack than there is in a regular roll, there are just more binders and nasty shit you don't want in your body. Check http://www.pillreports.com/ before taking an unknown pill. Just because it has a classy designer imprint on it doesn't mean it's a legit roll.
2. Datura Stramonium (A.K.A. Jimson Weed, Loco Weed)
In a 3 day period you can go from being a nice upstanding citizen to being naked in a hotel room with 3 squad cars and a helicopter surrounding the premises and no memory of what just happened; Just eat some datura!
Datura is a plant native to almost the whole U.S. You could probably find some in a surrounding greenbelt if you really wanted to. Although unless complete insanity for 3 days straight sounds appealing to you I would suggest otherwise
The negative side effects include
- Delirium
- Heart Arrhythmia
- Hypertension
- Hallucinations that appear to be real
- Blindness
Datura contains three chemicals, atropine, scopolamine, and hyoscamine. All these together create an abomination of a natural drug. Jimson weed throws the typical pro-pot legalization argument "it's natural" straight out the door. Datura is natural, but you can go crazy, go blind, and very easily die if you eat even a small amount.
Well, thats it for now. Stay peepin' for part 2!
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