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Sunday, June 19, 2011

Tolerance Break Update

Hey guys,

Sorry I haven't been updating recently; My internet got shut off for a couple of days. Anyways, Im 4 days into my T-Break and counting. I actually did notice some withdrawal symptoms, but I was an incredibly heavy toker. It really wasn't anything too bad.
I have been having trouble writing... mainly just because this new mental environment is so foreign to me.
Well, I will keep y'all informed if I have a seizure or something :P

Im out,


  1. Stay strong man, i know it's boring as hell but you can do it.

  2. I know how much Tolerance breaks can suck.
    But trust me it will save you alot of cash and you will have alot more fun in the end.
    Shiiiit Before I could take 2 bong rips and be high, now it takes fat sessions to give me anything

  3. I guess if you have a seizure, your blog post will look like this?
    sadasdlwfg fi24042 if2 2 f fwerfwaffas vzxnyn

  4. Awww man that sucks. I'm sorry :\

  5. That's bad. REEAAALY bad!
    I even think I wouldn't survive that.
